7 Tips to Become a Professional Barista
Coffee has become an integral part of our lives, evolving from a mere morning ritual to a form of art and self-expression. Behind every exceptional cup of coffee stands a skilled barista who understands the intricate balance between science, technique, and creativity. If you’re passionate about coffee and aspire to become a professional barista, this […]
Bartending is an exciting and rewarding career that allows you to showcase your creativity, interpersonal skills, and mixology expertise. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to enhance your bartending skills, these ten tips will guide you on your path to becoming a professional bartender. From mastering cocktail recipes to perfecting your customer service, these […]
E-Learning or distance learning online is booming. Since the pandemic, the rise of e-learning courses has not stopped. It’s not only young students. People of all ages are interested in finding out more about an interest or hobby, such as mixology. Or perhaps, want to develop and train for a new career as a cocktail […]
Bartending could be your passport to a new life. Not just in Cyprus – but anywhere in the world! See yourself mixing top cocktail favourites, Dirty Martini in Australia or The Caesar in Canada? At a cool bar venue for cocktail lovers just like you? Did you know… More than 4,100 bartender jobs were available […]
It’s the age of the cocktail! Learning to become a cocktail bartender and mixologist is on the rise. And it’s no surprise! Moving forward from the recent pandemic the world continues to transform. Today, nearly half (47 percent) of cocktail drinkers say they are interested in exploring the art of mixology, according to CGA, global […]
The upcoming budget for the Chicago Public Schools will rely on $500 million in yet-to-be-enacted pension savings by Illinois, school officials said on Monday.